The concept for PLAN of CT was initiated in 1990 by families whose children were living with disabilities.
The mission of PLAN of CT is to improve the lives of people with disabilities by providing access to cost-effective special needs trust administration services. PLAN of CT does this by managing special needs trusts, which are set up for an individual’s benefit.
Special Needs Trusts can:
– Supplement an individual’s state and federal benefits
– Help them maintain self-sufficiency
– Prevent unnecessary hospitalizations
– Enhance their quality of life

Our History
The concept for PLAN of CT was initiated in 1990 by families whose children were living with disabilities. That year, the organization was given authority by the Connecticut General Assembly to exercise trust powers and to administer privately established trusts for the benefit of those with any disability. In the following two years, PLAN of CT was incorporated as a nonprofit organization, prepared a package of trust documents for use by families and attorneys, and commenced operations.
Since 1993, PLAN of CT has been supporting people with disabilities and their families with fiduciary services. Our bylaws require that 51% of the Board of Directors have a family member with a disability. Therefore, individuals utilizing our services may rely on our focused expertise and aptitude, secure in the knowledge that we understand and can empathize with the challenges families face.
Our knowledgeable team provides professional trust management services in alignment with a network of highly qualified lawyers and advisors. As trustee, we are responsible for understanding trusts and public benefits, maintaining records and ensuring proper tax forms are prepared. This guarantees the peace of mind you need concerning benefits, tax reporting, and the wellbeing of your loved one with a disability.
PLAN of CT focuses on the services that a trust can provide individuals with disabilities, rather than purely on the management of the funds. We work with families of all financial levels and provide excellent services for reasonable fees. PLAN of CT does not require minimum funding. We create the ability for family members to offer emotional support and companionship to their loved one while continuing to enjoy fulfilling experiences together, by transferring the fiduciary responsibility for the individual’s lifetime, so you may thrive as a family.

Resources for Families

Third Party Trusts
A Third Party Special Needs Trust is most often established by the parents/guardians of an individual with a disability, although it can be established by anyone on behalf of this individual. The trust can be funded at any time after establishment, but most commonly funds come from the grantor’s estate after passing.

Pooled Trusts
The Pooled Special Needs Trust is the only trust in CT that an individual over 65 can contribute their own income or assets into in order to retain a lifetime benefit from those assets/income, and still qualify for public benefits like Medicaid or waiver programs.

Charitable Trust Grants
The PLAN of CT Charitable Trust is a fund which allows individuals of any age who have a disability to apply for one-time needs-based assistance through a grant to purchase a service or resource meant to enhance the individual’s quality of life.
Self-Settled Trusts
A Self-Settled Special Needs Trust is used when a disabled individual under 65 receives a direct inheritance, a back payment from Social Security, a settlement, or a lottery win that would affect their eligibility for state or federal benefits. A Self-Settled trust can protect these assets as well as entitlement eligibility.

Law Partners
PLAN of CT Professional Partners coordinate with a variety of experts who help us create customized plans, in order to ensure that the individuals with disabilities we serve are able to enjoy fulfilling, secure lives. These partners include:
- Individuals with disabilities
- Family and friends
- Community agencies
- Attorneys
- Financial planners
- Insurance agents
- Support groups and disability-specific communities
PLAN of CT will assist any individual with a disability, whether they live independently and need certain key supports or whether they are more challenged by their disabilities and need greater fiduciary coordination.
Ways To Support
Whether you are a family or a business, you make the difference to our organization and those we serve by contributing financial support, time and/or expertise.
There are various ways to support PLAN of CT.
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P.O. Box 290937
Wethersfield, CT 06129-0937
Call Us
PHONE 860-523-4951
FAX 860-523-0267