P.O. Box 290937
Wethersfield, CT 06129-0937
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Ways To Support
Whether you are a family or a business, you make the difference to our organization and those we serve by contributing financial support, time and/or expertise.
There are various ways to support PLAN of CT.
Resources for Families

Third Party Trusts
A Third Party Special Needs Trust is most often established by the parents/guardians of an individual with a disability, although it can be established by anyone on behalf of this individual. The trust can be funded at any time after establishment, but most commonly funds come from the grantor’s estate after passing.

Pooled Trusts
The Pooled Special Needs Trust is the only trust in CT that an individual over 65 can contribute their own income or assets into in order to retain a lifetime benefit from those assets/income, and still qualify for public benefits like Medicaid or waiver programs.

Charitable Trust Grants
The PLAN of CT Charitable Trust is a fund which allows individuals of any age who have a disability to apply for one-time needs-based assistance through a grant to purchase a service or resource meant to enhance the individual’s quality of life.
Self-Settled Trusts
A Self-Settled Special Needs Trust is used when a disabled individual under 65 receives a direct inheritance, a back payment from Social Security, a settlement, or a lottery win that would affect their eligibility for state or federal benefits. A Self-Settled trust can protect these assets as well as entitlement eligibility.
Once I discovered the Pooled Trust it became possible for my brother to remain in his home and receive the benefits he needs. GREAT PROGRAM, staff is always courteous, friendly and extremely helpful.