PLAN of CT can help establish greater financial stability and flexibility to meet longer- and shorter-term needs
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PLAN Charitable Trust
PLAN Pooled Trust
PLAN Special Needs Trusts
Is The Pooled Trust Right For Me?
Fee Schedules

Glossary of Terms
Special needs trust (SNT) is a trust that will preserve the beneficiary’s eligibility for entitlements such as Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Typically the trustee will supplement the beneficiary’s government benefits but not replace them. Examples of supplemental needs are education, telephone/cable services, companionship, advocacy and recreation. These distributions are typically carried out through the instructions of a Personal Care Plan/Letter of Intent drafted by the grantor.
Third-party SNT is frequently referred to as a supplemental needs trust because it will be supplementing the needs of the beneficiary. A third party trust is funded with assets belonging to a person other than the beneficiary. Typical funding comes from an inheritance, gifts and/or proceeds of life insurance policies. The grantor of the trust decides how the remaining trust funds are distributed when the beneficiary dies. Funds can be distributed to charities, individuals or a combination of both. This trust may be established by anyone other than the beneficiary.
First-party SNT, also referred to as a “self-settled”, “Medicaid payback” or “(d)(4)(A) trust,” is funded with assets or income that belong to an individual who is disabled according to the Social Security Administration (SSA) and who is the beneficiary of the trust. Federal law requires that the beneficiary must be under the age of 65 when the trust is created and funded; the trust must be irrevocable and provide that Medicaid will be reimbursed upon the beneficiary’s death or upon termination of the trust, whichever occurs first. The trust must be administered for the sole benefit of the beneficiary. A remainder beneficiary may be named to receive funds after Medicaid is paid back. Typically the funding comes from a personal injury settlement or inheritance the beneficiary receives directly. This trust may only be established by a parent, grandparent or court.
Pooled SNT, also referred to as a (d)(4)(c) trust is funded with assets or income that belong to an individual with a disability according the SSA requirements. These funds are pooled together with the funds of other beneficiaries. The trust beneficiary may be of any age, including those over 65. The trust must be irrevocable, administered for the sole benefit of the beneficiary and administered by a non-profit organization. Federal law requires that upon the beneficiary’s death the funds must be paid back to the state(s) providing Medicaid or be retained in the trust for charitable purposes benefitting those with disabilities.
Grantor: The person creating the trust.
Beneficiary: the person for who the trust is created.
Personal Care Plan: A customized document which describes and prioritizes the services to be delivered to the beneficiary.
Trustee: An individual or organization which holds or manages and invests assets for the benefit of another.
Important Links
Ability Beyond
Comprehensive systems of community-based support for people with disabilities in the Northeast. Job training and placement, supported living, and recreational and educational opportunities.
4 Berkshire Blvd.
Bethel, Connecticut 06801
(P) 1-888-832-8247
Advocacy Unlimited
Information on psychiatric disabilities, advocacy, education and other special topics.
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The ARC/Connecticut
43 Woodland Street, Suite 260
Hartford, CT 06105
(P) 860-246-6400
(F) 860-920-7314
ASRC – Autism Services and Resources Connecticut
101 North Plains Industrial Road, Harvest Park, Building 1A
Wallingford, CT 06492
(P) 203-265-7717
Brain Injury Association of Connecticut, Inc. (BIAC)
200 Day Hill Rd #250
Windsor, CT 06095
(P) 860-219-0291/ 1-800-278-8242 (Toll-free)
(F) 860-219-0568
The mission of BIAC is to support persons with brain injury and their families by promoting services to facilitate full inclusion within their local community, and to increase awareness and understanding of brain injury and its prevention through community education.
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS)
The designated state unit responsible for administering vocational rehabilitation, supported employment, independent living, and social security disability programs.
Connecticut Association of Non-Profits
A network of Connecticut’s non-profit organizations.
CT Birth to 3 System
CT Council on Developmental Disabilities
Molly Cole, Executive Director
460 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1308
(P) 800-653-1134
(TTY) 860-418-6172
CT Department of Education
Connecticut State Department of Education – Bureau of Special Education
Room 369 P.O. Box 2219
Hartford, CT 06145-2219
(P) 860-713-6912
(F) 860-713-7014
Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Information on statewide services.
CT Dept. of Developmental Services (DDS)
CT Down Syndrome Congress
Connecticut Families for Effective Autism Treatment (CT FEAT)
P.O. Box 370352
West Hartford, CT 06137-0352
(P) 860-571-3888
CT Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities (P&A)
60 B Weston Street
Hartford, CT 06120-1551
(P) 860-297-4300 / 800-842-7303 (In CT)
(TTY) 860-566-2102
CT Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC) Address
338 Main Street
Niantic, CT 06357
(P) 800-445-2722 / 860-739-3089
(F) 860-739-7460
Connecticut Parent to Parent/PATH
PATH was formed in 1986 as an information and support network of families who have experienced a difficult pregnancy, premature birth, the loss of a young child or who have a child with medical needs, developmental delays and/or disabilities. In 2000 PATH expanded its network and became known as PATH Parent to Parent of CT and continues to reach out to help strengthen families coping with similar situations in Connecticut and surrounding states. for more information.
CT Tourette Syndrome Association
TSA Connecticut c/o Massachusetts Chapter
39 Godfrey Street
Taunton, MA 02780
(P) 617-277-7589
Directions / Futures, Inc.
The Futures, Inc. school program offers choice, opportunity, and flexibility to students with any type, or combination, of disabilities. Futures’ sister organization Directions, Inc. provides employment, community participation, and independent living supports to individuals with disabilities.
Disability Network of Eastern Connecticut
Empowering persons with disabilities in Eastern Connecticut.
Disabled American Veterans Department of Connecticut
Assistance for Connecticut’s veterans with disabilities.
Easter Seals of Connecticut
Offering programs and support.
Exceptional Parent Magazine
Information on parenting a child or young adult with a disability.
Infinity Music Therapy
Mailing Address:
122 Windsor Avenue, 2nd Floor
Meriden, CT 06451
Office Location:
1678 Meriden-Waterbury Turnpike
Southington, CT 06489
(P) 860-518-5557
(F) 888-200-4093
Infoline 211
Ever wonder how to find a community service when you or someone you know needs help? Infoline can help you find the answers. Just dial 211 from anywhere in Connecticut.
Kennedy Center
A private, community-based rehabilitation organization.
2440 Reservoir Avenue
Trumbull, CT 06611
(P) 203-365-8522
(F) 203-365-8533
Move International
Dedicated to helping children and adults with severe disabilities sitting, standing and walking.
Support, education and advocacy concerning mental illness.
National Institute of Mental Health
Online information on different diagnoses and fact sheets, plus up to date research info.
Nonverbal Learning Disorders (NLDA)
A non-profit corporation dedicated to research, education, and advocacy for nonverbal learning disorders.
507 Hopmeadow St.
(P) 860-658-5522
(F) 860-658-6688
Oak Hill
Oak Hill serves children and adults with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities through education, assistive technology, programs and advocacy.
120 Holcomb Street
Hartford, CT 06112
(P) 860)-242-2274
(TTY) 860-286-3113
Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities
Laws, legislation, resources and services.
Partnership for Strong Communities
Through the combined work of numerous state and social service agencies, close to 1000 units of supported housing for people who are homeless- many with mental illness- have been developed or are in the pipeline.
SEPTA (Special Education Parent Teacher Association)
Founded in August, 2003, the Connecticut SEPTA Council is a statewide organization whose primary mission is to facilitate the sharing of information among groups that support families of children with special needs, including both PTA and non-PTA organizations, and to communicate such information to the families and teachers who would benefit from these services.
Special Education Network of New Canaan & Wilton
Networks of parents and professionals who are interested in special education and 504 issues.
Special Education Resource Center (SERC)
25 Industrial Park Road
Middletown, CT 06457-1520
(P) 860-632-1485
Special Olympics
Providing year round sports, training and competition.
University of Connecticut, A. J. Pappanikou Center for Developmental Disabilities
263 Farmington Avenue, MC6222
Farmington, CT 06030-6222
(P) 860-679-1500 / 860-679-1502 (TTY) 866-623-1315
We Connect Now
A website to connect college students with disabilities as a virtual community, with a voice on important issues; having a particular emphasis on college students and access to higher education and employment.
Whole Life Inc.
Whole Life, Inc. provides community support to individuals with disabilities in an environment that fosters empowerment, choice, responsibility and control.
28 Haughton Road
Bozrah, CT 06334
(P) 860-886-6900
(F) 860-889-7150
Yale Child Study Center With Special Needs
Resources for Families

Third Party Trusts
A Third Party Special Needs Trust is most often established by the parents/guardians of an individual with a disability, although it can be established by anyone on behalf of this individual. The trust can be funded at any time after establishment, but most commonly funds come from the grantor’s estate after passing.

Pooled Trusts
The Pooled Special Needs Trust is the only trust in CT that an individual over 65 can contribute their own income or assets into in order to retain a lifetime benefit from those assets/income, and still qualify for public benefits like Medicaid or waiver programs.

Charitable Trust Grants
The PLAN of CT Charitable Trust is a fund which allows individuals of any age who have a disability to apply for one-time needs-based assistance through a grant to purchase a service or resource meant to enhance the individual’s quality of life.
Self-Settled Trusts
A Self-Settled Special Needs Trust is used when a disabled individual under 65 receives a direct inheritance, a back payment from Social Security, a settlement, or a lottery win that would affect their eligibility for state or federal benefits. A Self-Settled trust can protect these assets as well as entitlement eligibility.
Ways To Support
Whether you are a family or a business, you make the difference to our organization and those we serve by contributing financial support, time and/or expertise.
There are various ways to support PLAN of CT.
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P.O. Box 290937
Wethersfield, CT 06129-0937
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PHONE 860-523-4951
FAX 860-523-0267