Join Now!
Attorneys can learn more about the many benefits a professional PLAN membership has to offer by contacting the Outreach Coordinator.
Click here to download our member application. Return this application to PLAN with membership dues to become a Professional Member today!
Attorneys may join our legal partners group for an annual fee of $125 per year to receive the following benefits:
– Unlimited access to all PLAN of CT trust documents and assistance completing the trusts.
– Inclusion of your firm’s information on the PLAN of CT website and interactive map.
– Your firm’s information in every professional list distributed to families seeking an attorney for their PLAN of CT trust planning purposes.
– Free admission to exclusive PLAN of CT seminars and other educational opportunities.

Ways To Support
Whether you are a family or a business, you make the difference to our organization and those we serve by contributing financial support, time and/or expertise.
There are various ways to support PLAN of CT.
Subscribe to Our Newsletter
Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about how PLAN of CT is helping families of individuals with disabilities
P.O. Box 290937
Wethersfield, CT 06129-0937
Call Us
PHONE 860-523-4951
FAX 860-523-0267